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Lessons Our Dogs Teach Us

At the end of August we celebrate National Dog Day. (August 26 in 2022.)

Dogs are the most popular domesticated animal. According to the National Pet Owners Survey, 69% of US households own a dog. This number increased during the pandemic.

There are many benefits to owning a dog. Besides being great companions, they give us an incentive to move and walk. They are also great energy detectives.

They can show us by their behavior what could be going wrong in our environment, this is what we have experienced first hand

The Most Important Benefit

When it comes to owning a pet, there is a bond and connection that occurs between the pet and the owners.

This leads to the softening and opening of the heart, which is a central point of energy.

Love for other beings opens us up to the Yin aspects of life; compassion, observation, understanding…

There are times when the Dog mirrors the owners fears and anxieties as a way to help them cope.

6 things Dogs can teach us about life

  • Live in the moment

  • Don’t hold grudges

  • Play everyday

  • Love unconditionally

  • Get enough sleep

  • Get excited to see and greet you

The Question I Get Often

"Do dogs protect us from bad karma?"

Many cultures believe animals or pets die in service for us, especially in Asia. There are animals that are revered for their service to humanity. This is what I‘ve discovered...

We had a fish tank for our youngest child and one particular year the fish kept multiplying. Where as the following year, they kept dying and no amount of water treatment and purifiers helped. Looking at charts, I discovered they died because they were in a place of bad energy.

Just like the fish, animals can sense and take on the energy to protect us.

Once you have had a wonderful dog, a life without one is a life diminished”
~Dean Koontz

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