The Pig is the last animal sign in Chinese Astrology. Those with a Pig in their chart are due for some change. What kind of change? Depends on where the Pig appears on your chart: year, month, day, hour and luck cycle.
Pig Years
1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019
The Solar New Year starts on February 3 this year. However, the start varies by a day.
Please click here to get your Natal Chart to verify your year of birth.
Pig Month
November 7 - December 6, 2025
Year’s Outlook
2024 offered Pig many blessings. 2025 energies will have you on the move. 2025 energies are not high for the Pig. It is best to seek advice from trusted friends and experts when in doubt.
Wealth Matters
You may experience more expenses this year. It is important to make a budget and ensure that your financial resources are stable. Consult with others before you tackle any big investments.
Health Matters
Be mindful of your thoughts and feelings. Be kind to yourself. Manage stress and worry by taking time to rest. Look for solutions instead of getting frustrated. Stay grounded.
Relationship Matters
Embrace change and growth. Strengthen your connections and form new ones. Seek out your trusted friends if you feel overwhelmed.
Best Months
February, March, July
Caution Months
May, August
Note: this is based on solar months that start and end between the 4 or 8 of the month.
Would you like more detail about how your life will be affected in 2025? Schedule a Personal Consultation with me! This one hour appointment can focus on your career, health, love life and more.
Who are the best animals for 2025? Stay tuned for our next blog.